Monday, November 1, 2010

Meet Me On Monday


1.  Have you ever been on a cruise?
2.  What is your favorite way to eat eggs?
3.  What is your favorite reading material?
4.  Name all the pets that you have ever had?
5.  Were you ever a girl/boy scout?

My Answers!

1.  Have you ever been on a cruise?
No, I wish but each time I want to do that I think of all the "missing" people on cruises and the Titanic comes to mind.

2. What is your favorite way to eat eggs?
Over Easy. If you were to be my waiter/waitress at a restaurant, I will always as for over easy eggs.

3. What is your favorite reading material?
Magazines really but if I have time I will sit down with a really good fictional love/crime story.

4. Name all the pets that you have ever had?
I had to ask my brother (who remembers a lot and not me) and he said we had several cats of them he can remember Snowball, Snowflake and Tiger. Then we had 2 dogs, Dallas and Mopsey ( how do YOU spell it???) And I have 3 named Moya, Squirt and Crichton

5. Were you ever a girl/boy scout?
Yes I was in Girl Scouts until I was in high school.


Jo-anne Blossy said...

Those eggs look rather yummy. I know what I'll be having for brekky tomorrow :)
Have a great week!

Carol said...

Cruises seem to be those holidays only the retired can afford on their pensions :)

enjoy ur Monday!


reener said...

It's very rare a cruise ship goes down. yeah, I think the Titanic has a lot of people hesitant also.

Seems that the over easy eggs is the favorite so far! Mine, too!

Empty Nester said...

New follower from Meet Me On Monday! Looking forward to reading your blog.