We've all seen it, Wizard of Oz and the famous scene where they fall asleep in the field of poppies. That is how I feel right now. I feel some wicked witch is casting and evil spell and trying to get me to fall fast asleep.
I have been going NON STOP since Monday and I am ready for Monday again (when I have a day off).
I have been steam cleaning my carpets since 4pm today and I only have the living room to do and I am DONE! That means, 3 bedrooms, 1 closet (walk in) and 1 "living area" done in 3.5 hours.
Oh lookie...a quarter laying by desk on the floor...Im rich! Sorry, sidetracked. No, I dont have AD....oh look pretty kitty!!! *chuckles*
2 more days and my in laws will be here. Yay! I feel I have some of THE best in laws ever! They are great to talk to and are the least bit annoying.
Now to update you guys on my cleaning list I posted a few days back.
Living Area, Hallways, Stairs:
*All Areas Dusted
* Hardwood/Tile Floors Mopped
Carpet Vacuumed
* Baseboards Dusted
* Cobwebs Removed
* Window Sills Wiped Down
* Spot Clean Walls
* Wipe Switch Plates
* Picture Frames Dusted
Carpet Vacuumed
* Linen Changed
* Beds Made
* All Areas Dusted
* Picture Frames Dusted
* Mirrors Cleaned
* Window Sills Wiped
* Spot Clean Walls
* Clean Switch Plates
Empty Trash
* Wipe Baseboards
Countertops/Backsplash Cleaned WELL THEY WERE 2 DAYS AGO...NOT ANYMORE
Cabinet Fronts Wiped
* Sinks Scrubbed/Disinfected
* Floor Vacuumed/Mopped
* Outside Of Appliances Wiped
* Small Appliances Wiped
* Window Sills Cleaned
* Baseboards Dusted or Wiped
* Spot Wipe Walls
* Trash Emptied
Dishes Washed
* Wash Or Dust Table
* Clean Switch plates
* Dust walls & cobwebs
Sink Cleaned, Disinfected ALL BATHROOMS DONE
Tub/Shower Tiles Cleaned WELL ONLY 1 BATHROOM DONE
* Chrome Fixtures
Toilet Cleaned/Disinfected ALL BATHROOMS DONE
Countertop Items Organized ALL BATHROOMS DONE
* Towels Changed
* Window Sills Wiped Down
* Wipe Baseboards
* Vacuum/Mop
* Clean Switch plates
* Dust Walls & Remove Cobwebs
It doesn't look like a lot but it has sure felt like a lot.
Holy crappers, Thanksgiving is next week. What do you plan on doing that day? I have my in laws, my family including my 2 nephews and lil sis and her boyfriend coming that day for a big fried turkey feast! I actually have to be in bed no later than 9:30pm as I have to get up at 3:45am the next morning on Black Friday and get to work by 4:45am as I am opening that day. Joy! *sarcasm* I will get off around 1pm and go home and SLEEP!!!!