Monday, February 28, 2011

Meet Me on Monday


1.  What are you wearing right now?
2.  Do you have any freckles?
3.  What is your favorite Lifesaver flavor?
4.  What is the last movie you saw in the theater?
5.  Would you rather live without tv or without music?
My Answers!

1.  What are you wearing right now?
I am now wearing skinny jeans, black socks and a tshirt. I was wearing something a bit "nicer" but just got comfy. Earlier I was wearing this as it was a bit chilly this morning
At the Dallas Zoo with my lil man (who took the photo)
2. Do you have any freckles?
Not on my face but I do on my shoulders
3. What is your favorite Lifesaver flavor?
Definitely would have to be cherry

4. What is the last movie you saw in the theater?
I saw Sanctum with my husband

5. Would you rather live without tv or without music?
Definitely music. I get bored easily so I would rather HAVE tv than music. 


Bernie said...

Cute picture of you and the penguins!!
Cherry seems to be the flavor of the day for most of the MMOM folks.

Have a great rest of your Monday.

Susan said...

If that's you in the photo then your outfit looks lovely and comfy. I'm glad I didn't post a photo on mine because I had my sweater on inside out (and I'm at work and nobody told me!) LOL

Teresa said...

Susan, originally I had a "rockin" tshirt on with my skinny jeans and boots but realized it was in the 40's out and that wouldn't suffice. Therefore, I through on a 3/4 sleeve shirt with a scarf and then it was still cold so I through on one of my hubby's jackets. so "stylish" LOL