Monday, May 16, 2011

Meet Me on Monday


1.  Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?
2.  What is your favorite color Rose?
3.  Do you remove your shoes when you walk into your home?
4.  What is your favorite season?
5.  Approximately how many hours a day do you spend blogging?
My Answers!

1.  Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?
Well I typically like crunchy but because I have a couple broken teeth and no molars on my bottom right side (surgery/wisdom teeth), I have to stick to creamy but that is just as good. 

2. What is your favorite color Rose?
I like the usual Red but I am in love with Pink

3. Do you remove your shoes when you walk into your home?
What shoes?!?!? LOL. I hate shoes. But yes when I come home I usually remove them as I walk in but that is because if I don't I will forget where I put them. 

4. What is your favorite season?
I love Spring but here in Texas we either have Summer or Winter. Sometimes we have this very windy season with warm temps but I am not sure what you would call that. 

5. Approximately how many hours a day do you spend blogging?
If I blog DAILY (which I don't), I typically just blog for about 5 minutes or however long it takes me to write the blog. Other than that I could spend HOURS reading and surfing everyone else's blogs. 


Anonymous said...

Hi! Coming over from Never Growing Old, I feel the same way about my shoes. If I don't take them off in my room, then I have no idea where they went.

Emily in Wonderland said...

MMMMMMMmmmm, PEANUT BUTTER! Why did she have to ask about peanut butter this week? I can't stop obsession about it now!

I'm so sorry about your teeth- OUCH!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

Spring is my favourite season but Autumn is a close second :)
Have a great week!