Monday, June 20, 2011

Meet Me On Monday


1.  What feature of the opposite sex do you notice first?
2.  Do you talk to yourself?
3.  What is your current relationship status?
4.  Do you have a garden?
5.  What is your favorite licorice flavor?
My Answers!

1.  What feature of the opposite sex do you notice first?
If I am close enough to them, I notice their eyes. Especially the men with dark hair and blue eyes. But most the time I notice what they look like...or what they are wearing. 

2. Do you talk to yourself?
No, that is crazy! LOL...actually I always say "I guess I am talking to the walls yet they don't talk back" because none of my boys in my house (hubby included) listen to me. 

3. What is your current relationship status?

4. Do you have a garden?
NO WAY! I have no green thumb therefore I also have flowers. 

5. What is your favorite licorice flavor?
The Cherry kind. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I talk to one else wants to hear what I say! Therefore, I blog.
Dianne @