1. Crunchy or soft tacos?
2. Do you scrapbook?
3. Do you take any daily medications?
4. What is your favorite sound?
5. Where were you born?
My Answers!
1. Crunchy or soft tacos?
I prefer crunchy tacos but all that changed when I had my wisdom teeth out. Now I am going to have to get used to soft tacos...they are good too. Now I am hungry for soft tacos! ugh!
2. Do You Scrapbook?
I used to scrapbook. I made a scrapbook for my in laws, started one for hubby and I but never finished it. My mother on the other hand is a HUGE scrapbooker. She made scrapbooks for all us kids when we graduated and she made a scrapbook for my son when he turned a year old.
3. Do you take any daily medications?
I do at the moment. I take some anti-inflammatory meds as well as some pain meds since I had oral surgery this weekend
4. What is your favorite sound?
silence...except when I am sleeping. I have to have a box fan or white noise going when I sleep or else it is too quiet to sleep
5. Where were you born?
Dayton, Ohio