Monday, December 27, 2010

Meet Me On Monday


1.  What are your New Year's Eve plans?
2.  How tall are you?
3.  What is your favorite pudding flavor?
4.  What room of the house do you blog the most in?
5.  What is your best physical feature?
My Answers!

1.  What are your New Year's Eve plans?
I plan on going on a date with hubby (if that is still on as we haven't been doing so hot since the day after Christmas) and then watching the ball drop and then going to bed.

2. How tall are you?
I claim to be 5'6" but the last time I ever got my height checked I was 8 months pregnant and I was 5'4" but I think that was because I was compressed from being pregnant.

3. What is your favorite pudding flavor?
Vanilla. I'm boring like that

4. What room of the house do you blog the most in?
My office because I do not own a laptop-sad I know, so my desktop computer is in my office.
this is when we first moved in and were going through all of our stuff so excuse the mess

5. What is your best physical feature?
My eyes. I would say and I get lots of compliments about them too

1 comment:

kalea_kane said...

Hope you get a chance to enjoy the New Year's celebration with a date with the hubby. I think after all the holiday stresses it is sooooo necessary. :) Hope you have a wonderful week. Drop by and say hello!