Friday, March 25, 2011

Me! Challenge: Week 12

I missed week 11 because I was in TN enjoying Spring Break with the family.
I am typing this on Thursday but will have it post on Friday morning because Friday morning (tomorrow) I will be in a dental chair. (Edited to add: well....I was going to but it isn't working for some reason...oh well) 
That is my "me" time for "this week".
I am FINALLY having my 2 wisdom teeth pulled that are bothering the heck out of me for the past 2 months or more. I will have plenty of time to watch TV, movies, eat ice cream, eat yogurt, eat pudding and just lounge. Finally, I don't have to cook, clean, or deal with the kids! Ha!


Now it's Your Turn!
What did you do this week to get your groove back?


MandyE (Twin Trials and Triumphs) said...

Linking over from Dolli-Mama's blog...good luck in the morning!

I was thinking about this not long ago. Since I've started to take the girls with me to get a haircut, there are very few places I go by myself. It seems kinda nutty to me that I'm semi-looking forward to my dental cleaning in a couple of weeks as "me" time...HA!

penguinsandladybugs said...

Taking care of yourself and your health is nurturing yourself. I like how you put a positive spin on what I would consider a not so positive thing!

Marcia (123 blog) said...

You are amazing to consider the dentist me time :)

I hate the dentist - would rather go to gynae! Hahahahha

So good that you're taking action!

Onesie Mommy said...

I love my dentist! He and his staff are wonderful. They actually bought me a gift when my daughter was born so yeah, I would consider it me time! I hope you're not in pain. Enjoy the time off!

Unknown said...

I'm not a fan of the dentist, but I am glad you are getting your teeth taken care of. Wisdom teeth are the worst! I hope everything went well! Enjoy the ice cream!

reanbean said...

Oh no! I'm sorry it didn't work out. Does that mean you still have two wisdom teeth bothering you? I hope you'll be able to get them taken care of soon. Watching TV and movies while eating ice cream and pudding sounds fun, but only if you've got some good pain killers for the extracted tooth areas. Take care!