Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Another Stolen Recipe

I was checking out one of my fave blogs as I have been slacking on reading everyone's blogs lately (due to being busy at work and home) and I ran across a simple donut recipe. We get donuts at least once or twice a week (lately) from the donut shop so I am DEFINITELY going to try these out.

I love reading Tips from a Typical Mom because she has some great tips on her blog. Check her out if you haven't yet.

Super Easy Homemade Donuts
All you need is:
-2 cans refrigerated biscuits (or Rhodes Frozen Roll Dough thawed)
-vegetable oil (enough to pour about 1" in your frying pan)
-Cinnamon and Sugar (in a bowl)

Take the biscuits out of the cans and let sit at room temperature for a little while (a good time to give a lesson about something for family night)
Heat up the oil on medium heat for about 5  min.
While the oil is heating up, have the kids poke holes in the biscuits and stretch the dough out slightly.
Mom or dad then dips the dough into the hot oil, one fluffed up and you can see that it's browning, flip it over with a chop stick and brown the other side.  Immediately dip both sides into the cinnamon/ sugar mixture and let rest on a plate with paper towels.
Photo Courtesy of Tips from a Typical Mom

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